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Dat Phella Cover_GIICOM.jpg

GIICOM is an EP that Phella put together to address the need to keep Christ as the center of his life. With so much dialogue in CHH concerning the label "Christian Rapper", Dat Phella looks to state his claim that no matter what you call him, "Giicom's the Motto". G.I.I.C.O.M. stands for "God is is charge of me", and on this 8 song EP,  you'll hear Dat Phella snap on tracks and show the world that he is laser focused on the goal set before him. Simply put, "this EP Goes Hard! 


With singles like,  "We Just Gettin' Started " and "Lookin' At Me",  This project will definitely get you motivated to pursue the next level of life while keeping your eyes set on eternity.

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